Stable version?

Support issues for CBLM, the Cheap Bastard Latency Montior.

Stable version?

Postby bjs1 » Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:51 am


Just wondering if there is a current stable version? i've tried 2.9.4 and 2.9.5 with latest snapshot and am having trouble getting anything usable. In particular I am seeing OTT errors like so:

Feb 20 12:55:36 cblmd[26394]: OTT to of 374 (usec) is over max 2500000 or RTT 258 (usec). Discarding sample.
Feb 20 12:57:14 cblmd[28378]: OTT to of 592 (usec) is over max 2500000 or RTT 375 (usec). Discarding sample.

Feb 20 12:55:37 cblmd[11183]: OTT to of -122 (usec) is over max 2500000 or RTT 281 (usec). Discarding sample.
Feb 20 12:57:14 cblmd[11254]: OTT to of -208 (usec) is over max 2500000 or RTT 310 (usec). Discarding sample.

The OTT is set in msec in the configuration and is not 2500ms either(default of 1000) so not sure where it is deriving this from. As a quick test I tried forcing a pass on the section that makes this evaluation at line 207 in data.c and it just seg faults instead now. It crashes with the aforementioned log message without the modification.

Both the probes have the same time source, one of them has the MySQL daemon on them( and here is what the configuration looks like:

Port: 7001
Repeat: 0 sec
Rate: 120/min
Size: 64 bytes
TTL: 64
MaxOTT: 1000 msec
MaxAge: 90 sec
Key: o-soraizu
ToS: 0:0 (dscp: 0, prec: 0)
Pattern: kusabana
Fragment: false
Track OTT: true
Track JTR: true
Track TOS true
Track PRI true
Track OOO: true
Track DUP: true
Trap LOSS: 1
Trap RTT: 120
Trap OTT: 60
Trap JTR: 10
Trap TOS 1
Trap PRI 1
Trap OOO: 1
Trap DUP: 1
SNMPTrap: none

And i'm executing on both sides with:

cblmd -H 10.0.0.x -P mypass

Currently working with: ... 219.tar.gz

Any ideas?
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Joined: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:43 am

Re: Stable version?

Postby bjs1 » Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:54 am

Also if it helps, the linux version:

linux@probe01:~/cblm$ uname -a
Linux probe01 3.2.0-33-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 18 16:29:15 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:43 am

Re: Stable version?

Postby bjs1 » Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:09 am

One more data point, this test is between two hosts with < 1ms latency between them. Is CBLM designed to handle packets < 1ms OTT?
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:43 am

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